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Enhancing engagement through better visual recommendations receives an average of 110,000 visitors per month, with an 'engaged session per user' of 0.75. This means that out of every 100 visitors, 75 have some interaction with the website. So, 25 out of 100 visitors have no interaction, as far as Google Analytics can measure. Although it is normal for content sites to have low engagement (unlike, for example, an e-commerce site with a lot of pagination), there are many areas for improvement. Makeover has done little to increase user engagement.

Prior efforts

In 2022, a pop-up was tested that displayed the most quality inspiration pages of Makeover.


Based on about 350,000 impressions, this 'trigger' was clicked 6,368 times, amounting to about 1.78% extra interaction. This is interesting on a large scale, but it's important to consider that the content displayed was targeted at a broad and generic audience.

Especially after adjusting to 'money pages', this element began to perform less well. The last used version (mid-2022) looked as follows:

Old pop-up

In other words, it was a text-based element that hoped to direct visitors to specific pages that rarely would connect with the intention based on which was visited. Logically, this is not the solution, especially not on a large scale.

Therefore, it is important that the new options better focus on displaying certain visual elements that are more relevant, stand out positively, and don't necessarily have to link to money pages. is there to help and possibly entertain the visitor as much as possible. Pushing to specific 'money pages' has never caused a significant revenue increase for